Checkpad MED - the digital patient file from Lohmann & Birkner

Checkpad MED — The digital patient record

Doctor’s let­ters, medi­cal his­to­ries, fin­dings, labo­ra­to­ry reports as well as OP docu­men­ta­ti­on, care and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve docu­ments are pre­sen­ted immedia­te­ly in impres­si­ve image qua­li­ty as image, film, sound and text files. 

Whe­re pre­vious­ly pati­ent data had to be com­pi­led in a time-con­suming man­ner, this is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed in the digi­tal pati­ent file with Check­pad MED. New fin­dings and images are visi­ble on all mobi­le devices just a few seconds after they have been created.

Call up your patient data immediately during rounds or nursing care — anytime and anywhere

As soon as you start working, you will be infor­med immedia­te­ly about pati­ent move­ments over the last 2, 12, 24 or 48 hours. In addi­ti­on, you will recei­ve all data about the ward, such as tele­pho­ne num­bers, the num­ber of occu­p­ied beds, con­ta­cts of the lea­ding doc­tors and ward nurses.

Thanks to the intui­ti­ve ope­ra­ting sys­tem of Check­pad MED, you can work quick­ly, effec­tively and without was­ting time. Record vital data, fill out forms, crea­te tasks — all pos­si­ble immedia­te­ly during the round.

Checkpad MED as a digital patient curve — as mobile as you!

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on — fast and efficient

Lost the thread again becau­se the pho­ne rang?
Check­pad MED allows que­ries to be asked quick­ly via chat via PC, tablet and smart­pho­ne, infor­ma­ti­on to be pas­sed on and col­leagues to be noti­fied. The com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on always takes place in the con­text of an arran­ge­ment, a fin­ding or a docu­men­ta­ti­on. A pic­tu­re is often worth a thousand words — it is pos­si­ble to take and send pho­tos with Check­pad MED so that Whats­App on your pri­va­te mobi­le pho­ne is only nee­ded for the break.

Medi­ca­ti­on — easy and safe

How many clicks do you need to arran­ge each drug?
None. With Check­pad MED you can arran­ge fas­ter than on paper and plau­si­bi­li­ty or inter­ac­tions can be che­cked immedia­te­ly. While you are typ­ing, Check­pad MED inter­prets your input, sear­ches in recom­men­da­ti­ons and cata­logs and offers the results it finds for quick adoption.

Avai­la­bi­li­ty — any­whe­re, anytime

The net­work has been on strike sin­ce the rou­ter was updated — what medi­ca­ti­on does the pati­ent get now?
With incre­a­sing digi­ta­liz­a­ti­on, it is important not to be hel­pless in the event of tech­ni­cal pro­blems and to con­ti­nue to be able to access cri­ti­cal data. With the iPad or iPho­ne, you can not only docu­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­te direct­ly in the pati­ent room. Check­pad MED also stores a copy of all pati­ent data on each mobi­le device. Even in the event of a power or net­work fail­u­re, you can con­ti­nue working off­line without inter­rup­ti­on. As soon as the net­work is avail­ab­le again, all recor­ded data is syn­chro­ni­zed. If the same data is chan­ged at the same time, it is not sim­ply over­writ­ten, but the con­flict is reco­gni­zed and dis­play­ed to the user for manu­al resolution.

Chan­ge — indi­vi­du­al and valued

Do you want to chan­ge a lot and also win over any skep­tics for your ide­as?
Check­pad MED allows a smooth and incre­men­tal intro­duc­tion based on the needs of the user. All func­tions are desi­gned so that they offer gre­at added value indi­vi­du­al­ly and in com­bi­na­ti­on, so that requests for fur­ther impro­ve­ments quick­ly ari­se after the first small change.

The workflow portal

Core functions

  • Immedia­te­ly acces­si­ble any­whe­re on the PC (HTML 5) and mobi­le (iOS app) without installation
  • Edi­t­ing of work pro­ces­ses and initia­ting new processes
  • View and edit new fin­dings, tasks, orders, messages and individualized
  • Inte­gra­ted fin­dings and PACS viewer
  • Free defi­ni­ti­on of forms for data entry
  • Free defi­ni­ti­on of BPMN workflows
  • Import and export inter­faces via HL7, DICOM and REST web ser­vices (HL7 FHIR)

Opti­mi­ze the work pro­ces­ses in the hos­pi­tal through a por­tal that ser­ves as the first point of con­ta­ct for every employee and pati­ent in the hos­pi­tal. Thanks to advan­cing digi­tiz­a­ti­on, mas­ter data, bil­ling data, fin­dings and ima­ging are elec­tro­ni­cal­ly avail­ab­le in the hos­pi­tal, but col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on have chan­ged litt­le. Check­pad MED pro­ces­ses all avail­ab­le data and clear­ly shows what is new and important. Per­so­nal work lists with arran­ge­ments, tasks, orders or open ques­ti­ons help to keep an eye on ever­ything. Share and com­ment on important fin­dings and be noti­fied of inte­res­ting events. Com­mu­ni­ca­te with col­leagues or even pati­ents about the cour­se of tre­at­ment, the arran­ge­ment or the fin­dings via chat. Defi­ne your own forms and work­flows with which you can work mobi­le, on the PC and embed­ded in other systems.

Localization of patients and devices

Pati­ents can be equip­ped with bat­te­ry-ope­ra­ted trans­mit­ters using a wrist­band, which can be sup­ple­men­ted with a dis­play. A vibra­ti­on alarm can also be inte­gra­ted. The bat­te­ry life of the device depends on the trans­mis­si­on fre­quen­cy and can be up to a week.

The trans­mit­ters can be atta­ched direct­ly to medi­cal devices. The power sup­ply can the­re­fo­re take place via the device and can also be secu­red by a battery.

Anchors are screwed into sockets as fixed points, thus pro­tec­ting them against theft. Attach­ment abo­ve sus­pen­ded cei­lings is also pos­si­ble. The anchors are con­nec­ted via WiFi.

Using this tech­no­lo­gy, loca­liz­a­ti­on in the buil­ding is pos­si­ble with an accu­ra­cy of approx. 50 cm. For this pur­po­se, preli­mi­na­ry ana­ly­zes of rou­tes or spa­ti­al rela­ti­ons­hips are pre­pa­red on the loca­liz­a­ti­on ser­ver. The loca­liz­a­ti­on data are pro­ces­sed and are also avail­ab­le at an inter­face for the medi­cal systems.

Vital sensors — save lives with the help of sensors

Vital sen­sors from Loh­mann & Bir­kner record vital para­me­ters of pati­ents for acu­te and long-term moni­to­ring. They are part of a pati­ent manage­ment sys­tem that is used to record, ana­ly­ze and docu­ment the data.

Dif­fe­rent vital sen­sors are avail­ab­le depen­ding on the sta­ti­on. Vital sen­sors sui­ta­ble for medi­cal use are used to record e.g. pul­se, oxy­gen con­tent, tem­pe­ra­tu­re and movement.

The vital sen­sors are con­nec­ted via radio and gua­ran­tee the best pos­si­ble free­dom of move­ment for the pati­ent. The aim is that the pati­ent is not con­scious­ly awa­re of the data being recorded.

The vital sen­sor infor­ma­ti­on is acces­sed via the pati­ent manage­ment sys­tem. This means that the data can also be acces­sed from mobi­le devices. The auto­ma­ted eva­lua­ti­on takes place from a medi­cal point of view, which is sup­por­ted with the help of limit values. The pati­ent manage­ment sys­tem ensu­res that the atten­ding phy­si­ci­an is infor­med in the event of acu­te abnor­ma­li­ties. Ana­ly­sis tools enab­le exten­si­ve eva­lua­ti­on, espe­cial­ly for long-term observations.

Aut­ho­ri­ty pro­files for each func­tion ensu­re access con­trol to the rele­vant medi­cal data.

Case review and MDK management with Checkpad MED real-time grouping at the bedside

Doc­tors and coding spe­cia­lists are faced with the dai­ly chal­len­ge of map­ping the inpa­ti­ent ser­vices in the form of sui­ta­ble codes and thus achie­ving cor­rect bil­ling of the tre­at­ment case. Howe­ver, the necessa­ry struc­tures, the time and the orga­niz­a­ti­on are often lacking.

A hos­pi­tal loses an average of up to 3% of the reve­nues for ser­vices bil­led becau­se the bills are che­cked, the bills are redu­ced and the pay­ments are rec­lai­med by the insuran­ce pro­vi­ders. Around two thirds of the­se reve­nue los­ses can be attri­bu­t­ed to pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry incor­rect boo­kings, which are often cau­sed by mis­sing or insuf­fi­ci­ent docu­men­ta­ti­on of the need for inpa­ti­ent treatment.

Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­vent the­se sales deduc­tions and opti­mi­ze your inter­nal MDK manage­ment by inte­gra­ting our reco­gni­zed invoice veri­fi­ca­ti­on solu­ti­on Check­point DRG and the mobi­le iPad pati­ent record Check­pad MED. In this way, enab­le an effi­ci­ent and time­ly col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween doc­tors and medi­cal con­trol­ling. Avoid time-con­suming com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nels and rese­arch and impro­ve your reve­nue manage­ment through the use of pro­fes­sio­nal IT solutions.

As soon as the case is crea­ted — i.e. at the begin­ning of pati­ent tre­at­ment — the necessa­ry length of stay, the inpa­ti­ent neces­si­ty and the necessa­ry docu­men­ta­ti­on can be che­cked and mea­su­res can be defi­ned, com­mu­ni­ca­ted and imple­men­ted in real time.

A solu­ti­on that saves resour­ces and redu­ces secon­da­ry acti­vi­ties to a mini­mum. With Check­pad MED in com­bi­na­ti­on with Check­point DRG, you gain more time for your pati­ents, as the­re is no time for unne­cessa­ry MDK inquiries.

The advantages at a glance

More Efficiency

Always work with the latest data without was­ting time.

More Security

All data is encryp­ted, trans­mit­ted and stored, and pro­tec­ted by geo­fen­cing and a Blue­tooth dongle.

Always Mobile

Access the last cur­rent data record even in off­line mode.

Impressive Media Quality

Regard­less of whe­ther it is a pic­tu­re, film, sound or text file, Check­pad MED offers you the best qua­li­ty on every screen size.

Always all Patient Information at Hand

Quick­ly view all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on thanks to the clear struc­tu­re of the digi­tal pati­ent file.

Regular Synchronization

Real-time data updates on your mobi­le device.

All information about Checkpad MED can be found directly on the website

Checkpad MED - the digital patient file from Lohmann & Birkner

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