Lohmann & Birkner 23 Jahre Erfahrung

Loh­mann & Bir­kner deve­lop com­plex and diver­se solu­ti­ons for the health­ca­re mar­ket. The chan­ge in modern and effec­ti­ve medi­cal care is shaped with out­stan­ding ide­as and the latest tech­no­lo­gies. The com­pa­ny, based in Ber­lin, is one of the lea­ding enter­pri­ses for ser­vices and IT in the Ger­man health­ca­re sec­tor. In addi­ti­on to power­ful soft­ware for medi­cal con­trol­ling and bil­ling, Loh­mann & Bir­kner is the expert con­ta­ct for sci­ence pro­jects by medi­cal socie­ties as well as con­sul­ting on bud­ge­ting and stra­te­gy development.

checkpoint X

IT specialist uses the checkpoint X software on a PC.

The check­point X soft­ware, which was deve­lo­ped in-house, enab­les ser­vice pro­vi­ders and cost bea­rers in the health­ca­re sec­tor to have full con­trol over the bil­ling and reve­nue genera­ti­on pro­cess.
Bene­fit from many years of coope­ra­ti­on with cli­nics and health insuran­ce com­pa­nies and expe­ri­ence effi­ci­ent ana­ly­sis and auto­ma­ti­on pro­ces­ses for the prac­ti­cal chal­len­ges of the health sys­tem. In clo­se coor­di­na­ti­on with cus­to­mers and users, check­point X inte­gra­tes ele­gant solu­ti­ons for cur­rent inno­va­tions, such as the MD Reform Act, and enab­les stra­te­gi­cal­ly sen­si­ble decisions.

Checkpad Med — paper patient files are a thing of the past

Check­pad MED is the app­li­ca­ti­on for medi­cal staff in hos­pi­tals. Mobi­le, effi­ci­ent and secu­re, the pati­ent data can be cal­led up on all end devices at any time, regard­less of whe­ther you are on the hos­pi­tal pre­mi­ses, online or offline.

Curious? Dis­co­ver more:

Services — competence from theory and practice

The inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team at Loh­mann & Bir­kner offers a wide ran­ge of com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vices for health­ca­re pro­vi­ders. Qua­li­ty and pro­cess manage­ment are just as much a part of the ran­ge of ser­vices as the design of data­ba­ses and medi­cal soft­ware for hos­pi­tals and health insuran­ce companies.

Disease register, DRG auditing, inpatient and outpatient case management 

Loh­mann & Bir­kner deve­lo­ps regis­ter data­ba­ses for medi­cal socie­ties across Ger­ma­ny to record dise­a­ses, some of which are rare, such as acro­me­ga­ly, neu­ro­en­docri­ne tumors, Cushing’s dise­a­se and peri­prost­he­tic fractures.

With medi­cal exper­ti­se, DRG cases are che­cked and adjus­ted in accordance with legal requirements.

Expert case manage­ment pre­vents cri­sis situa­tions and inpa­ti­ent stays and opti­mi­zes out­pa­ti­ent care.


Presentation during a business meeting.

Expe­ri­en­ced doc­tors and medi­cal IT spe­cia­lists pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve advice in the are­as of health­ca­re, medi­ci­ne, qua­li­ty manage­ment, con­trol­ling, pro­cess manage­ment and busi­ness administration.

The con­sul­ting covers the fol­lowing areas:

  • Opti­miz­a­ti­on of the pro­ces­ses in the hos­pi­tal, health insuran­ce and controlling
  • Intro­duc­tion of reve­nue dis­tri­bu­ti­on models in the hospital
  • OR reor­ga­niz­a­ti­on
  • DRG trai­ning
  • DRG cal­cu­la­ti­on for medi­cal socie­ties or industry
  • Sup­port of the health insuran­ce in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the requi­re­ments through health funds and the risk struc­tu­re com­pen­sa­ti­on (Mor­bi-RSA)
  • Sup­port with the intro­duc­tion of new medi­cal pro­ducts and pro­ces­ses into the remu­ne­ra­ti­on system

Lohmann & Birkner Events — analog, digital, hybrid

From busi­ness mee­tings to evening events, from digi­tal con­fe­ren­ces to hybrid events — Loh­mann & Bir­kner events offers you a loca­ti­on with modern, tech­ni­cal equip­ment in a lis­ted ambi­ence. Expe­ri­ence limit­less pos­si­bi­li­ties of use: Enter vir­tu­al rooms, hold digi­tal mee­tings or crea­te a hybrid event expe­ri­ence in a his­to­ri­cal set­ting with digi­tal guest contributions.


Plan­ning, orga­niz­a­ti­on, equip­ment and event ser­vice from a sin­gle source.


The latest tech­ni­cal equip­ment for ana­log, digi­tal and hybrid event formats.


Ber­lin indus­tri­al monu­ment, com­ple­te­ly reno­va­ted with light-floo­ded, spa­cious rooms.


Events in the for­mer screw fac­to­ry and Berlin’s first indus­tri­al branch.


Various out­door and indoor are­as for indi­vi­du­al for­mats and wishes.

in the middle:

20 minu­tes to the cen­ter of Ber­lin with direct con­nec­tions to bus, S‑Bahn and U‑Bahn.


inno­va­ti­ve fresh air exchan­ge and coo­ling for a plea­sant ambi­ence with low ener­gy costs.


medical software, consulting, scientific project management, event management


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