MiKa 8 Jahre Erfahrung

The first app on prescription for all types of cancer

MiKa is a “digi­tal health app­li­ca­ti­on” (DiGA). MiKa can be pre­scri­bed by a doc­tor as an app on pre­scrip­ti­on. The sta­tu­to­ry health insuran­ce com­pa­nies cover the cos­ts of using the app­li­ca­ti­on. This is regu­la­ted by the Digi­tal Sup­ply Act (DVG).

How can I use MiKa? 

Your sta­tu­to­ry health insuran­ce com­pa­ny will pro­vi­de you with an acti­va­ti­on code to use the MiKa app and will also cover the cos­ts of using MiKa. This works as an “app on pre­scrip­ti­on” or direct­ly from your health insuran­ce company.

Activation code and assumption of costs — this is how it works! 

App on prescription

  1. Get a pre­scrip­ti­on
    Have your doc­tor or psy­cho­the­ra­pist issue you a pre­scrip­ti­on for the Mika app.
  2. Send it to your health insuran­ce com­pa­ny
    Sub­mit your pre­scrip­ti­on to your sta­tu­to­ry health insuran­ce com­pa­ny in the usu­al way.
  3. Acti­va­te the Mika app with your acti­va­ti­on code
    Your health insuran­ce com­pa­ny will send you a 16-digit acti­va­ti­on code for free use of the Mika app. Down­load Mika from the App Store or Goog­le Play Store and acti­va­te your Mika app with this acti­va­ti­on code.

Directly from your health insurance company

Some health insu­rers also accept the rou­te without a doctor’s pre­scrip­ti­on and only requi­re pro­of of a can­cer dia­gno­sis in an offi­cial docu­ment. If you have an onco­lo­gi­cal dia­gno­sis, your health insuran­ce com­pa­ny will send you a 16-digit acti­va­ti­on code to use the Mika app free of char­ge.

You can then down­load Mika from the App Sto­ry or Goog­le Play Store and acti­va­te it with your per­so­nal acti­va­ti­on code.

Download the MiKa app!

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