dermanostic — dermatologist via app 14 Jahre Erfahrung

Online der­ma­to­lo­gist diagnosis

Con­ve­ni­en­t­ly con­ta­ct the der­ma­to­lo­gist with your smart­pho­ne — no mat­ter whe­re, no mat­ter when. You upload three pho­tos and ans­wer a ques­ti­onn­aire. Our der­ma­to­lo­gists will send you a dia­gno­sis with the­ra­py and pre­scrip­ti­on wit­hin 24 hours.

Chan­ges in the skin, hair and nails can occur chro­ni­cal­ly or sud­den­ly. Some skin chan­ges are itchy, others are sca­ly, some are visual­ly dis­tur­bing — and not all are harm­less. With der­ma­nostic, you recei­ve a tre­at­ment of your skin chan­ges by our expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists, fle­xi­ble in terms of loca­ti­on and time, without waiting.

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