A virtual coach for smart aging

Dr. Rai­ner Wie­ching Lehr­stuhl für Wirt­schafts­in­for­ma­tik und Neue Medi­en Uni­ver­si­tät Siegen
The intel­li­gent assi­stant is inten­ded to sup­port seni­or citi­zens to stay acti­ve in their own […]

EU-Japan-Project E‑VITA

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Granrath
1. Descrip­ti­on E‑VITA: EU-Japan Vir­tu­al Coach for Smart Aging is a EU-Japan joint pro­ject under […]

Large Scale Optimization Is Needed for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Granrath
Abs­tract Lar­ge Sca­le Opti­miz­a­ti­on has many app­li­ca­ti­ons in sup­ply chain and smart manu­fac­tu­ring. This chapter […]

Japan’s Society 5.0: Going Beyond Industry 4.0

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Granrath
by Dr. Lorenz Gran­rath on Aug. 29, 2017 in Indus­tri­al R&D in Japan Germany’s Indus­try 4.0 […]

Continuous Education for medical professionals: Why microlearning makes sense now and in the future!

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
The pro­blem with time Ger­man doc­tors have rough­ly 7–10 minu­tes for their pati­ents. Lack of time […]

Health literacy for patients — the Charité approach

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Digi­tal health liter­acy in Ger­ma­ny The Ger­man health­ca­re sys­tem is in the midd­le of the […]

Studies — Why studies are so important for patients

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Why stu­dies are so important for pati­ents and how to pro­per­ly inform yourself. Cli­ni­cal studies […]