Beitragsbild zur Präsentation der ersten digitalen Zahnarztpraxis WEFFEX Gesellschaft für digitale Zahnheilkunde.

The first digital dental practice in Germany

Expe­ri­ence the work­flow of the first digi­tal den­tal prac­ti­ce in Ger­ma­ny and dis­co­ver which com­pon­ents are invol­ved, from digi­tal volu­me tomo­gra­phy to vir­tu­al den­tal impres­si­ons to the ful­ly digi­ti­zed pro­duc­tion of dentures. 

The first digi­tal den­tal prac­ti­ce in Germany

The Munich den­tist Dr. Franz Xaver Wack and his Socie­ty for Digi­tal Den­ti­stry (WEFFEX), tog­e­ther with well-known sci­en­tists and lea­ding com­pa­nies from rese­arch and indus­try, have deve­lo­ped a revo­lu­tio­na­ry pro­cess for the dai­ly use of digi­tal work­flows in den­tal work. In the pilot prac­ti­ce, the den­tal prac­ti­ce Bogen­hau­sen- by Dr. Franz Xaver Wack and Dr. Denis Nova­ko­vic, the pro­ces­ses were tes­ted and opti­mi­zed — for the bene­fit of the pati­ents and to redu­ce mate­ri­al and pro­duc­tion costs.

Record­ing of the press con­fe­rence “The first digi­tal den­tal practice”

The future starts now! The digi­tal revo­lu­ti­on is also chan­ging den­ti­stry — for the bene­fit of the pati­ent. 3‑D X‑ray tech­no­lo­gy allows dia­gno­ses with a level of cer­tain­ty that has never been known befo­re. Digi­tal den­ture impres­si­ons only take a minu­te, enab­le the hig­hest pos­si­ble accu­ra­cy and avoid incon­ve­ni­en­ce. The den­tal prac­ti­ce Bogen­hau­sen — Dr. Franz Xaver Wack and Dr. Denis Nova­ko­vic is the first digi­tal den­tal prac­ti­ce in Ger­ma­ny with a com­ple­te­ly digi­tal workflow. 

We would be hap­py to show you the future of digi­tal den­ti­stry.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, see the fol­lowing presentation:

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