Two young women and one older woman are sitting together and using a tablet.

Melli — more than a voice assistant

Mel­li, the voice-con­trol­led tablet, was deve­lo­ped with seni­ors for seni­ors. Hard­ware and func­tions have been spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped to meet the needs of older peop­le and their families.

Mel­li proac­tively approa­ches her users ins­tead of wai­t­ing for inst­ruc­tions. Thanks to the inte­gra­ted SIM card, an inter­net con­nec­tion is not requi­red. The voice con­trol is easy to use and reco­gni­zes the mood of the user using inno­va­ti­ve sen­ti­ment analysis.

Mel­li acts accord­ing to the hig­hest data pro­tec­tion stan­dards. It uses the data made avail­ab­le to it exclu­si­ve­ly to crea­te a per­so­na­li­zed user experience.

Mel­li moti­va­tes its users to make social con­ta­cts, enter­tains them with exci­ting con­tent from the Inter­net and ensu­res a struc­tu­red dai­ly rou­ti­ne. In this way, it coun­ter­acts lack of dri­ve and brings more satis­fac­tion into ever­y­day life.

With the Mel­li app, friends and fami­ly can par­ti­ci­pa­te in ever­y­day life. Tele­pho­ning, plan­ning appoint­ments and kee­ping an eye on well-being — with the Mel­li app, rela­ti­ves can par­ti­ci­pa­te and con­tri­bu­te to the ever­y­day life of the user, even if they can­not be the­re at the moment.

Choose your Melli subscription

This is all inclu­ded in your subscription:

  • Two mon­ths free tri­al use
  • Use of all Mel­li functions
  • Mel­li app for relatives


  • SIM card with unli­mi­ted internet

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