The first digital dental practice in Germany

Dr. Franz Xaver Wack Zahn­arzt­pra­xis Bogenhausen
Expe­ri­ence the work­flow of the first digi­tal den­tal prac­ti­ce in Ger­ma­ny and dis­co­ver which components […]

Together against Corona. #Impfenschützt

Dr. Medi­men­tum
The Cha­ri­té is in the midd­le of the fourth wave of the pan­de­mic: The number […]

Checkpad MED — a digital patient file, mobile like you

Loh­mann & Bir­kner Health Care Con­sul­ting GmbH
With the help of Check­pad MED, you can view all of your patient’s data directly […]

Clinic management briefly explained

Alex­an­der Zuber Kli­nik­ma­nage­ment Akademie
The Cli­nic Manage­ment Aca­de­my offers online trai­ning for mana­gers in hos­pi­tals. We spe­cia­li­ze in extra-occupational […]