Dr. Rainer Wieching 29 Jahre Erfahrung

Dr. Rai­ner Wie­ching (Dr. sports sci­ence gra­dua­te sports tea­cher, phy­sio­lo­gist, pro­ject mana­ger and coor­di­na­tor). As part of his work in the health sec­tor, he has coor­di­na­ted several suc­cess­ful EU and BMBF rese­arch pro­jects in the fiel­ds of health, care and prevention.

The iStopp­Falls pro­ject (EU FP7, 2011–2014) is aimed at pre­ven­ting falls and pro­mo­ting phy­si­cal acti­vi­ty for seni­or citi­zens using ICT-based trai­ning pro­grams. The Mobi­As­sist pro­ject (VDI / VDE, BMBF, 2015–2018) is deve­lo­ping a mobi­liz­a­ti­on assi­stant for the care of peop­le with demen­tia and their rela­ti­ves. The EU pro­ject my-AHA (my acti­ve and healt­hy aging), (H2020, EU, 2016–2020) aims to impro­ve ear­ly detec­tion and limit the risk of phy­si­cal frail­ty and cogni­ti­ve impairments as well as depres­si­on in old age. In the field of self-lear­ning, adap­ti­ve sys­tems, he is invol­ved in the Cogni­ti­ve Vil­la­ge pro­ject (VDI / VDE, BMBF, 2015–2018).

Cur­rent natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch pro­jects focus on the use of robo­tic sys­tems in nur­sing in an inter­cul­tu­ral com­pa­ri­son bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Japan: Pro­ject HAPPIER (Healt­hy Aging Pro­gram with Per­so­na­li­zed Inter­ac­ti­ve Empa­the­tic Robots), (DAAD 2018–2019) with the Robo­tics Insti­tu­te of Wase­da Uni­ver­si­ty Tokyo and Pro­ject ARiA (App­lied Robo­tics in Elder­ly Care in the Working Worlds of the Future), (BMBF 2018) in the sci­ence year 2018.

For 15 years of his pro­fes­sio­nal care­er, he foun­ded and mana­ged an SME in the health sec­tor, respon­si­ble for tech­ni­cal, medi­cal and sci­en­ti­fic aspects in the field of glo­bal phar­maceu­ti­cal mar­ke­ting for car­dio­vascu­lar and onco­lo­gy. With a focus on phar­maceu­ti­cal mar­ke­ting, cer­ti­fied medi­cal trai­ning (CME), ICT-based com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems for evi­dence-based medi­ci­ne (cli­ni­cal stu­dies and natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal gui­de­li­nes) and medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy (ultra­sound).

As part of his stu­dies and doc­to­ra­te, he rese­ar­ched and worked in the per­for­mance phy­sio­lo­gy labo­ra­to­ry of the Phy­sio­lo­gi­cal Insti­tu­te of the Ger­man Sport Uni­ver­si­ty Colo­gne (DSHS Colo­gne) and in the lung func­tion and per­for­mance test labo­ra­to­ry of the children’s cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty Cli­nic Aachen (RWTH Aachen), respon­si­ble for per­for­mance tests, bio­si­gnal ana­ly­sis, data manage­ment, Com­pu­ter algo­rith­ms and sta­tis­ti­cal analysis.

In addi­ti­on, based on his 8‑year employ­ment in an engi­nee­ring office, he has exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in sys­tem ana­ly­sis, data mode­ling and pro­gramming of com­plex real-time pro­cess con­trol sys­tems in the ener­gy indus­try (pro­cess data model, mea­su­red value and mes­sa­ge pro­ces­sing, topo­lo­gy and net­work calculation).



  • Unbe­haun, D., Tau­ger­beck, S., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D. D., Leh­mann, J., Tol­mie, P., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2020)Notes of memo­ries: Fos­te­ring social inter­ac­tion, acti­vi­ty and remi­nis­cence through an inter­ac­ti­ve music exer­ga­me deve­lo­ped for peop­le with demen­tia and their care­gi­vers IN Human–Computer Inter­ac­tion, Pages: 1–34 doi:10.1080/07370024.2020.1746910
  • Car­ros, F., Meu­rer, J., Löff­ler, D., Unbe­haun, D., Mat­t­hies, S., Koch, I., Wie­ching, R., Rand­all, D., Has­sen­zahl, M. & Wulf, V. (2020)Explo­ring Human-Robot Inter­ac­tion with the Elder­ly: Results from a Ten-Week Case Stu­dy in a Care Home Pro­cee­dings of the 2020 CHI Con­fe­rence on Human Fac­tors in Com­pu­ting Sys­tems. New York, NY, USA, Publis­her: Asso­cia­ti­on for Com­pu­ting Machine­ry, Pages: 1–12 doi:10.1145/3313831.3376402
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D. D., Tol­mie, P. D., Wie­ching, R., Rand­all, D. & Wulf, V. (2020)Social Tech­no­lo­gy Appro­pria­ti­on in Demen­tia: Inves­ti­ga­ting the Role of Care­gi­vers in Enga­ging Peop­le with Demen­tia with a Video­ga­me-based Trai­ning Sys­tem Pro­cee­dings of the 2020 CHI Con­fe­rence on Human Fac­tors in Com­pu­ting Sys­tems. New York, NY, USA, Publis­her: Asso­cia­ti­on for Com­pu­ting Machine­ry, Pages: 1–15 doi:10.1145/3313831.3376648
  • Stör­zin­ger, T., Car­ros, F., Wier­ling, A., Mis­sel­horn, C. & Wie­ching, R. (2020)Cate­go­ri­zing Social Robots with Respect to Dimen­si­ons Rele­vant to Ethi­cal, Social and Legal Impli­ca­ti­ons IN i‑com, Vol. 19, Pages: 47–57 doi:10.1515/icom-2020–0005
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D. D., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2020)Insights from an Exer­ga­me-Based Trai­ning Sys­tem for Peop­le with Demen­tia and Their Care­gi­vers IN Bran­ka­ert, R. & Ken­ning, G. (Eds.), HCI and Design in the Con­text of Demen­tia Cham doi:10.1007/978–3‑030–32835-1_18


  • Leh­mann, J., Car­ros, F., Unbe­haun, D., Wie­ching, R. & Lüs­sem, J. (2019)Ein­satz­fel­der der sozia­len Robo­tik in der Pfle­ge Digi­ta­le Trans­for­ma­ti­on im Kran­ken­haus., Pages: pp. 88–113
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Car­ros, F., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2019)Crea­ti­ve and Cogni­ti­ve Acti­vi­ties in Social Assis­ti­ve Robots and Older Adults: Results from an Explo­ra­to­ry Field Stu­dy with Pep­per Pro­cee­dings of the 17th Euro­pean Con­fe­rence on Com­pu­ter-Sup­por­ted Coope­ra­ti­ve Work-Demos and Pos­ters., Publis­her: Euro­pean Socie­ty for Social­ly Embed­ded Tech­no­lo­gies (EUSSET)
  • Vazi­ri, D. D., Ans­lin­ger, M., Unbe­haun, D., Wie­ching, R., Rand­all, D., Schrei­ber, D. & Wulf, V. (2019)Mobi­le health plat­forms for acti­ve and healt­hy age­ing sup­port in older adults Design ide­as from a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry design stu­dy Inter­na­tio­nal Reports on Socio-Infor­ma­tics (IRSI)., Pages: Vol. 16, Iss. 2, pp. 3–29
  • Vazi­ri, D. D., Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Shklov­ski, I., Wie­ching, R., Schrei­ber, D. & Wulf, V. (2019)Nego­tia­ting con­tra­dic­tions: enga­ging dis­pa­ra­te sta­ke­hol­der deman­ds in designing for acti­ve and healt­hy age­ing IN Jour­nal of Enab­ling Tech­no­lo­gies, Vol. 13, Pages: 40–50
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Wie­ching, R., Wulf, V., Vazi­ri, D. D., Jahn­ke, S. & Wulf, B. (2019)Deve­lo­p­ment of an ICT-based Trai­ning Sys­tem for Peop­le with Demen­tia Com­pa­n­ion Publi­ca­ti­on of the 2019 on Designing Inter­ac­ti­ve Sys­tems Con­fe­rence 2019 Com­pa­n­ion. New York, NY, USA, Publis­her: ACM, Pages: 65–68 doi:10.1145/3301019.3325153


  • Unbe­haun, D., Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K. & Wie­ching, R. (2018)Qua­li­ta­ti­ve Ergeb­nis­se eines Video­spiel-basier­ten Assis­tenz­sys­tems für Men­schen mit Demenz und deren Ange­hö­ri­ge IN Abs­tracts des gemein­sa­men Jah­res­kon­gres­ses der DGGG und DGG, 6.–8. Sep­tem­ber 2018, Viel­falt des Alterns: bio­me­di­zin­sche und psy­cho­so­zia­le Her­aus­for­de­run­gen, Zeit­schrift für Geron­to­lo­gie und Ger­ia­trie, Vol. 51, Pages: 68 doi:10.1007/s00391-018‑1435‑3
  • Unbe­haun, D., Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K. & Wie­ching, R. (2018)Mobi­As­sist – empi­ri­sche Ergeb­nis­se eines inter­dis­zi­pli­nä­ren For­schungs­pro­jekts zur Mobi­li­sie­rung von Men­schen mit Demenz und der Ange­hö­ri­ge IN Abs­tracts des gemein­sa­men Jah­res­kon­gres­ses der DGGG und DGG, 6.–8. Sep­tem­ber 2018, Viel­falt des Alterns: bio­me­di­zin­sche und psy­cho­so­zia­le Her­aus­for­de­run­gen, Zeit­schrift für Geron­to­lo­gie und Ger­ia­trie, Vol. 51, Pages: 68 doi:10.1007/s00391-018‑1435‑3
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D. D., Wie­ching, R., Tol­mie, P. & Wulf, V. (2018)Faci­li­ta­ting Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and Social Expe­ri­en­ces with Video­ga­mes in Demen­tia: Results and Impli­ca­ti­ons from a Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry Design Stu­dy IN Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Inter­act., Vol. 2, Pages: 175:1–175:23 doi:10.1145/3274444
  • Unbe­haun, D., Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K., Li, Q., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2018)Video-game Based Exer­ga­mes for Peop­le with Demen­tia and Their Care­gi­vers Pro­cee­dings of the 2018 ACM Con­fe­rence on Sup­por­ting Group­work. New York, NY, USA, Publis­her: ACM, Pages: 401–405 doi:10.1145/3148330.3154506
  • Leh­mann, J., Unbe­haun, D., Jako­bi, T., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2018)Ethi­sche Per­spek­ti­ven AAL-und Moni­to­ring-basier­ter Tech­no­lo­gien im Pflegekontext
  • Unbe­haun, D., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D., Leh­mann, J., Wei­bert, A., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2018)Qua­li­ta­ti­ve Ergeb­nis­se eines Video­spiel-basier­ten Assis­tenz­sys­tems für Men­schen mit Demenz und deren Ange­hö­ri­ge IN Demenz und Medi­en (Medi­en & Altern Heft 12 ), Pages: 96
  • Unbe­haun, D., Vazi­ri, D. D., Aal, K., Wie­ching, R., Tol­mie, P. & Wulf, V. (2018)Explo­ring the Poten­ti­al of Exer­ga­mes to affect the Social and Dai­ly Life of Peop­le with Demen­tia and their Care­gi­vers Pro­cee­dings of the 2018 CHI Con­fe­rence on Human Fac­tors in Com­pu­ting Sys­tems., Publis­her: ACM, Pages: 62
  • Unbe­haun, D., Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K., Li, Q., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2018)Mobi­As­sist – ICT-based Trai­ning Sys­tem for Peop­le with Demen­tia and Their Care­gi­vers: Results from a Field Stu­dy Pro­cee­dings of the 2018 ACM Con­fe­rence on Sup­por­ting Group­work. New York, NY, USA, Publis­her: ACM, Pages: 122–126 doi:10.1145/3148330.3154513
  • Hab­scheid, S., Hrn­cal, C., Lüs­sem, J., Wie­ching, R., Car­ros, F. & Wulf, V. (2018)Robo­tics and Emo­ti­on – Ste­reo­ty­pes vs. ever­y­day situations


  • Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K., Gschwind, Y. J., Del­bae­re, K., Wei­bert, A., Anne­garn, J., de Rosa­rio, H., Wie­ching, R., Rand­all, D. & Wulf, V. (2017)Ana­ly­sis of effects and usa­ge indi­ca­tors for a ICT-based fall pre­ven­ti­on sys­tem in com­mu­ni­ty dwel­ling older adults IN Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Human-Com­pu­ter Stu­dies, Vol. 106, Pages: 10–25 doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.05.004
  • Bro­die, M. A., Cop­pens, M. J., Eju­pi, A., Gschwind, Y. J., Anne­garn, J., Schoe­ne, D., Wie­ching, R., Lord, S. R. & Del­bae­re, K. (2017)Com­pa­ri­son bet­ween cli­ni­cal gait and dai­ly-life gait assess­ments of fall risk in older peop­le IN Ger­iatrics & geron­to­lo­gy inter­na­tio­nal, Vol. 17, Pages: 2274–2282


  • Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K., Ogo­now­ski, C., Tho­mas von Rekow­ski, M. K., Mars­ton, H., Pove­da, R., Gschwind, Y., Del­bae­re, K., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2016)Explo­ring user expe­ri­ence and tech­no­lo­gy accep­t­ance for a fall pre­ven­ti­on sys­tem: results from a ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­al and a living lab, IN Euro­pean Review of Aging and Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty, Vol. 13, Pages: 1–9
  • Ogo­now­ski, C., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D., Rekow­ski, T. V., Rand­all, D., Schrei­ber, D., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2016)ICT-Based Fall Pre­ven­ti­on Sys­tem for Older Adults: Qua­li­ta­ti­ve Results from a Long-Term Field Stu­dy IN ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Inter­act., Vol. 23, Pages: 29:1–29:33 doi:10.1145/2967102
  • Vazi­ri, D., Aal, K., Ogo­now­ski, C., von Rekow­ski, T., Kroll, M., Mars­ton, H., Pove­da, R., Gschwind, Y., Del­bae­re, K., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2016)Explo­ring user expe­ri­ence and tech­no­lo­gy accep­t­ance for a fall pre­ven­ti­on sys­tem: results from a ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­al and a living lab, IN Euro­pean Review of Aging and Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty, Vol. 13, Pages: 1–9


  • Gschwind, Y. J., Eich­berg, S., Eju­pi, A., de Rosa­rio, H., Kroll, M., Mars­ton, H. R., Dro­bics, M., Anne­garn, J., Wie­ching, R., Lord, S. R., Aal, K., Vazi­ri, D., Wood­bu­ry, A., Fink, D. & Del­bae­re, K. (2015)ICT-based sys­tem to pre­dict and pre­vent falls (iStopp­Falls): results from an inter­na­tio­nal mul­ti­cen­ter ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led tri­al IN Euro­pean Review of Aging and Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty, Vol. 12, Pages: 10 doi:10.1186/s11556-015‑0155‑6
  • Mars­ton, H. R., Wood­bu­ry, A., Gschwind, Y. J., Kroll, M., Fink, D., Eich­berg, S., Krei­ner, K., Eju­pi, A., Anne­garn, J., de Rosa­rio, H., Wien­holtz, A., Wie­ching, R. & Del­bae­re, K. (2015)The design of a pur­po­se-built exer­ga­me for fall pre­dic­tion and pre­ven­ti­on for older peop­le IN Euro­pean Review of Aging and Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty, Vol. 12, Pages: 13 doi:10.1186/s11556-015‑0157‑4


  • Gschwind, Y. J., Eich­berg, S., Mars­ton, H., Eju­pi, A., de Rosa­rio, H., Kroll, M., Dro­bics, M., Anne­garn, J., Wie­ching, R., Lord, S. R., Aal, K. & Del­bae­re, K. (2014)ICT-based sys­tem to pre­dict and pre­vent falls (iStopp­Falls): stu­dy pro­to­col for an inter­na­tio­nal mul­ti­cen­ter ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led tri­al. IN BMC ger­iatrics, Vol. 14, Pages: 91 doi:10.1186/1471–2318-14–91
  • Mül­ler, C., Schorch, M. & Wie­ching, R. (2014)PraxLabs as a Set­ting for Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry Tech­no­lo­gy Rese­arch and Design in the Field of HRI and Demo­gra­phy Pro­cee­dings of the Work­shop „Social­ly Assis­ti­ve Robots for the Aging Popu­la­ti­on: Are we trap­ped in Ste­reo­ty­pes?“, Human Robot Inter­ac­tion Con­fe­rence. Bie­le­feld, Publis­her: Bie­le­feld University
  • Aal, K., Ogo­now­ski, C., Rekow­ski, T. V., Wie­ching, R. & Wulf, V. (2014)A Fall Pre­ven­ti­ve iTV Solu­ti­on for Older Adults Pro­cee­dings of TVX’14, Demo Pre­sen­ta­ti­on., Pages: 1–2


  • Meu­rer, J. & Wie­ching, R. (2012)Moti­vat­ing Elder­ly Peop­le to Use Fall Pre­ven­ti­ve Exer­cise Trai­ning Games at Home: Are Com­mu­ni­ty Based ICT Fea­tures Always a Good Choice? IN Designing for Inter/Generational Com­mu­nities, Vol. 28
  • Meu­rer, J., Schö­ning, S. & Wie­ching, R. (2012)Empi­ri­cal ana­ly­sis of end-user requi­re­ments: Designing ICT arti­facts for the elder­ly exer­cis­ing at home. IN Jour­nal of Aging and Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty, Vol. 20


  • Wie­ching, R. (1996)Unter­su­chung der VO2-Kine­tik bei Kin­dern und Jugend­li­chen sowie Pati­en­ten mit Muko­vis­zi­do­se , Publis­her: Cuvillier

Quel­le: https://www.wineme.uni-siegen.de/team/wieching/


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